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RecipeFaire - Recipes for the Home Chef Presents:
Golden Fried Chicken Halves
by:    Teri Griswold  
Golden Fried Chicken Halves Recipe uses a two step cooking process by seasoning chicken with Ac'cent and salt and pepper before coating with batter of milk, pancake mix, egg and Ac'cent and frying briefly then finishing cooking by baking.

2 broilers, split halves
Ac'cent, salt, and pepper
1 cup milk
1 cup pancake mix
1/2 teaspoon Ac'cent
1 egg, lightly beaten
Fat or oil, for frying

1: Have broilers split in halves with necks and backbones removed. (Save them for creamy giblet gravy - search recipes.) Sprinkle with Ac'cent, salt, and pepper; let stand while preparing batter.
2: Add milk to pancake mix slowly, to make smooth, thin batter. Stir in Ac'cent and beaten egg.
3: Melt fat or add oil in Dutch oven to depth of about 3 inches. Heat to 375°F. Dip chicken halves in batter; lower one piece at a time carefully into hot oil. Fry about 3 minutes or until deep golden brown. Bring oil up to frying temperature after each portion is cooked. Repeat until all 4 halves are fried.
4: Arrange chicken in a large shallow baking pan; add enough hot water to cover bottom of pan to depth of 1/4-inch. Bake in moderate oven (350°F.) 1 hour or until tender. Serve with creamy giblet gravy.
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