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Chicken Salad with Hazelnut Dressing
by:    Bobbie Watts  
Chicken Salad with Hazelnut Dressing Recipe is a warm salad which combines pan-fried chicken with a salad of baby spinach, cherry tomatoes and spring onions drizzled with a dressing of olive oil, hazelnut oil, wine vinegar, garlic and fresh herbs.

3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp hazelnut oil
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tbsp chopped fresh mixed herbs
8 oz baby spinach leaves
9 oz cherry tomatoes, halved
1 bunch spring onions (scallions), chopped
2 chicken breast fillets, skinned and cut into thin strips
salt and ground black pepper

1: First make the dressing. Place 2 tbsp of the olive oil, the hazelnut oil, vinegar, garlic and herbs in a small bowl and whisk together until thoroughly mixed. Set aside.
2: Trim any long stalks from the spinach leaves, then place in a large serving bowl with the tomatoes and spring onions, and toss together to mix.
3: Heat the remaining 1 tbsp olive oil in a large frying pan, add the chicken and fry over a high heat for 7 to 10 minutes, or until cooked through and lightly browned.
4: Scatter the chicken pieces over the salad, give the dressing a quick whisk to blend, then drizzle it over the salad and gently toss all the ingredients together to mix. Season to taste and serve immediately.
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