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Fresh Sweet Cherry Appetizer Tray
by:    Jackson Watts  
Fresh Sweet Cherry Appetizer Tray Recipe makes an attractive appetizer with fresh sweet cherries, assorted cheeses such as cheddar, Swiss, Gouda and kuminost, and sweet gherkins complemented with cornucopias of salami, cream cheese and horseradish.

Fresh sweet cherries
Assorted cheese (Cheddar, Swiss, Gouda, Kuminost)
Sweet gherkins, thickly sliced
Salami, thinly sliced
Cream cheese

1: Wash cherries just before serving and put into a serving bowl.
2: Cut some of the Cheddar and Swiss cheeses into 1/2-inch cubes and put, along with sliced gherkins, onto party picks. Slice remaining cheese.
3: Soften cream cheese at room temperature and season with a small amount of horseradish. Spread on salami slices and shape into cornucopias, fastening with wooden picks. Garnish with parsley.
4: Arrange all appetizers on a large tray with the cherries.
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