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Prosciutto and Red Peppers Appetizer
by:    Roy M. Lyles  
Prosciutto and Red Peppers Appetizer Recipe uses paper-thin Italian ham, prosciutto, wrapped around red bell pepper which has been sauteed in olive oil with oregano and garlic and results in an attractive and very tasty appetizer recipe.

1/3 pound prosciutto, sliced paper thin
1 tablespoon minced parsley
For Sauteed Red Peppers:
1/4 cup olive oil
5 red bell peppers, halved, seeded, deribbed, and cut into thin strips
2 tablespoons minced fresh oregano or 1 tablespoon dried
3 cloves garlic, minced

1: Sauteed Red Peppers: Heat olive oil in a heavy skillet. When it is hot, add peppers and toss to coat all over with oil. Add the oregano and cook over moderate heat, half-covered, for 20 minutes. Add garlic and stir briskly for 30 seconds. Remove from heat and cool completely. Use immediately with prosciutto or store, in the cooking oil, covered, in refrigerator.
2: Layout prosciutto slices. Put 5 to 6 strips of Sauteed Red Peppers on each prosciutto slice, then roll each slice into a neat cylinder, with the tips of the peppers poking out at each end. Place rolls on a round plate, dust them with parsley, and serve.
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