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Monte Cristo Sandwich Recipe
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Monte Cristo Sandwich Recipe uses ham, mayonnaise, cheese, egg and milk in creating this very tasty Monte Cristo recipe.

2 slices bread, preferably sourdough
2 slices Swiss cheese
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp butter
3 slices sandwich ham
1 egg, beaten
1 tbsp milk

1: If available, heat a griddle to 350°F. If not griddle available, heat a large heavy bottom skillet over medium heat.
2: Spread one side of each slice of bread with mayonnaise Place one slice of cheese on top of mayonnaise on each slice of bread. Place the ham, folding as necessary, to cover one slice of cheese without the ham hanging over the sides of the slice of bread. Place the other slice of bread, mayonnaise side down, on top of the cheese.
3: Combine the egg and milk and stir to mix well. Pour the egg mixture into deep welled plate.
4: Place the formed sandwich onto the egg mixture to coat the bread well with the egg mixture. Turn the sandwich over to coat the other side of the sandwich. Move the sandwich to the hot griddle and press to flatten slightly. After about 2 minutes, check the cooking side of the sandwich to ensure it is brown. If brown, flip the sandwich over to brown the remaining side. Cook, flipping over if necessary, to brown the sandwich well and melt the cheese.
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