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Just Egg Sandwich Recipe
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Just Egg Sandwich Recipe pan fries an egg and placed the egg between two slices of white bread, salts and peppers the egg and as an option add mayonnaise in creating this simple yet tasty egg sandwich recipe.

1 egg
2 slices white bread
salt and pepper, to taste
mayonnaise, optional
1 tsp. vegetable oil

1: Heat a skillet over medium heat. Once skillet is hot, add vegetable oil to coat bottom of skillet. Depending on preference, toast the bread slices or leave them untoasted. If toasted, dry toasted is recommended for this sandwich.
2: Add egg to skillet and allow the egg to begin to set. Using a fork, puncture the yellow of the egg and allow the yellow to run across the white of the egg.
3: When the yellow and white of the egg has mostly set, use a spatula to flip the egg over onto the uncooked side. Allow the egg to become slightly firm.
4: If the bread has been toasted, place the toasted sides of the bread down. Place the fried egg onto one slice of bread. If desired, spread the mayonnaise onto the untoasted side of the other slice of bread. Salt and pepper the egg to taste. Close the sandwich and enjoy.
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