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Bobbie's Delicious Steamed Cabbage Recipe


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Bobbie's Delicious Steamed Cabbage Recipe uses green cabbage and steams it in a small amount of water to create this very tasty cabbage recipe.
Food Category:    Vegetables
Cuisine Origin:    Southern
    • Servings:12
    • Calories per Serving:19
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  • 1 whole green cabbage
  • butter, optional


  • Remove any loose outer green leaves from the cabbage. Cut the cabbage in half from top of head of cabbage through the stem or root. Cut each half head in half in the same manner to have four pieces of cabbage.
  • Carefully cut out the core of the cabbage. The core is the solid white part of the cabbage at the root end of the cabbage. The core is slightly bitter and a little hot in taste.
  • Place one piece of cabbage so that the widest or longest part if from left to right. Cut across the cabbage to create chunks of cabbage about 1 1/2 inches in width. Cut the other three pieces of cabbage in the same manner. If the cabbage is dense and the cut leaves pieces stick together, separate the pieces of cabbage a little to aid cooking.
  • Put all of the cabbage in a pot large enough to hold all of the cabbage and still have a little room at the top of the pot. Fill the pot about 1/2 full with water. Place the pot of cabbage on high heat. Monitor when water begins to boil. Boil cabbage for 8 minutes, stirring occasionally - stir leaves on bottom of pot to top and top leaves to bottom. Remove from heat and drain into a colander. Add a nice taste to the cabbage by adding butter or margarine, if desired, and tossing cabbage to coat with melted butter. Add salt and pepper, to taste, if desired. Note: cold cabbage makes a delicious and healthy late-night snack.
Steamed Cabbage
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