FOOD GLOSSARY - Stir to Sugar Cubes and Tablets

STIR:  When a recipe tells you "to stir" without other specific instructions, it usually means to stir with a spoon, wielding it in a round-and-round motion that follows the outline of the bowl or pan you're using. Keep stirring until you get a smooth, uniform consistency, or according to the directions given in your recipe. If you're stirring with an electric mixer, set it for slow or medium to get the equivalent speed.

STOCK:  The richly flavored liquid in which fish, meat, poultry, or vegetables have been cooked. Used in soups, sauces, and general cooking.

STOLLEN:  A rich yeast bread, usually raisin-filled.

STRAWBERRIES ROMANOFF:  Fine, ripe strawberries, washed, drained, and hulled, then marinated in a liqueur such as Cointreau, curaçao, or kirsch. At serving time, whipped cream is folded in or used as a topping. Sometimes, the liqueur is additionally flavored with lemon or orange juice.

STREUSEL:  A crumb topping for coffee cakes, made of fine crumbs, sugar, and sometimes almonds.

STRUDEL:  A favorite German, Austrian, or Bohemian flaky pastry of numerous types. The pastry dough is stretched until paper-thin and various fillings of fruit, cheese, nuts, etc., are rolled in it before baking.

STUFF:  To fill (a chicken, turkey, etc.) with seasoning, breadcrumbs, etc. before roasting.

SUCCOTASH:  A dish of American Indian origin commonly made of corn and lima beans cooked together.

SUET:  The hard, crumbly fat of the loin and kidney regions of beef, mutton, etc. In cooking, beef suet is most used.

SUGARS:  As used in recipes, the term sugar refers to beet or cane granulated sugar. When another sugar is called for it will be specifically named as: brown sugar or confectioners' sugar. White sugar can be made from either sugar cane or beet sugar; the two products are identical and either kind can be used interchangeably in all cookery.

Granulated Sugar:  This is the standard product made for general use. There are several different granulations variously named by the different manufacturers. Examples are: "granulated," "fine granulated," "extra fine granulated," and "superfine granulated." The last named is a specially screened, uniformly fine-grained sugar, sometimes called "fruit and berry" sugar. The very fine granulated sugars are desirable where quick dissolving and quick creaming are useful as in mixed drinks, on cereals and fruits, and in making cakes, cookies, cooked frostings, etc.

Cubes and Tablets:  These pressed or cut lumps of sugar are handy for sweetening hot drinks. They are sold in handy 1- and 2-pound cartons.


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